Treasure Coast Wildlife
Florida’s warm climate and lush landscape are home to an abundance of wildlife that you won’t want to miss. By land and by sea, you'll be amazed at what you might observe in a single day on the Treasure Coast. Find out more about some of the creatures that call Vero Beach, Sebastian, Fort Pierce, and Jensen Beach home, and enjoy current events and stories about wildlife on the Treasure Coast of Florida.

Manatees, often called sea cows, are peaceful, slow-moving, ocean creatures. Seeing a manatee, while not unusual in our waters, is always a treat. Keep in mind, however, that these creatures, despite their size, need your care for survival. Look but don’t touch, feed them, or chase them. When boating, be careful, never pass directly over a manatee, and when fishing, reel in your line when a manatee is near.
As noted, it is possible to see a manatee just about anywhere in our waters and both Round Island Park in Vero Beach and Sebastian Inlet State Park in Sebastian are great places to spot manatees. In addition, visit The Manatee Observation & Education Center in Fort Pierce to learn more about these gentle giants while enjoying their observation area.

Florida is home to several species of dolphins; the most common is the bottle-nosed dolphin. Adults are typically 6 to 8 feet and their babies, which are always a treat to see swimming alongside parents, are less than a foot long! Dolphins usually give birth in the spring and summer months and babies are best seen in the lagoon. Dolphins live both inshore and offshore and can be spotted from the beach and cruising around the lagoon.
It is believed that the Indian River Lagoon is home to somewhere around 1,000 bottle-nosed dolphins year-round. Most of the population can be easily observed by land or boat, especially around inlets in Fort Pierce and Sebastian, though it is not uncommon to see them from places like Royal Palm Pointe and the Barber Bridge in Vero Beach as well. Resident dolphins are social animals and are usually seen in groups (pods).

Alligators have called most of Florida's marshes, swamps, rivers, and lakes home for many years. Because of their abundance, interactions with people may be frequent and while most Floridians have learned to coexist with alligators, injuries have occurred. While serious injuries are rare, remember, never feed alligators and always keep your distance. Swim only in designated swimming areas during daylight hours. Also, keep pets on a leash and away from the water.
We respect and appreciate our alligators. They are an important part of the Florida landscape and play a valuable role in the ecology of our wetlands. Alligators are predators and help keep other aquatic animal populations in balance, so coexistence is essential. But be especially aware during spring and early summer months when enjoying nature, as this is mating season for the gators which often leads gators to stray into new territory.
Florida Panthers

Florida panthers are large, light brown cats with a white muzzle, belly, and chest. Their tails, ears, and snout have black markings. While they are a subspecies of a mountain lion, you’ll know the Florida Panther by a unique crooked tale and patch of fur on its back. Although most panthers are found south of Lake Okeechobee, they have been documented throughout Florida. They are a protected endangered species so it is illegal to harm or harass them in any way. There are approximately 120-230 adult panthers in the population. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission closely monitors the population and strongly encourages citizens to report panther sightings in the state. If you're lucky enough to spot one of these beautiful animals you should report it HERE.
Sea Turtles

The Treasure Coast is one of the country's most significant stretches of coastline for sea turtle nesting by a variety of species. Leatherbacks begin coming ashore to lay their eggs in February and March, Followed by loggerheads in April through July, and green turtles in late May through October. These species lumber up to shore to lay and bury their eggs before returning to the ocean. After about two months, the hatchlings, as a group, make their way to the water's edge following the light of the moon. Various organizations offer nighttime programs to safely watch these turtles make their nests along with daytime turtle digs (excavations) to study and record numbers and release any straggling hatchlings.
Sea turtles are a protected and some species are endangered. It is illegal to harm or harass sea turtles, nests, or hatchlings. While there are many things you can do to protect these turtles, and all marine life, specifically during nesting and hatching seasons, turn off the lights! Beach-facing artificial lights can confuse nesting adults and confuse hatchlings trying to make it to the water.

Are you one of the many that happened to catch the extraordinary picture of the bobcat dragging a shark out of the surf in Vero Beach in 2015? Check it out HERE
Bobcats, though elusive, are common on the Treasure Coast. While Florida wild bobcats tend to live in forests, swamps, and dense shrubs, they have been occasionally spotted strolling our beaches. They don’t approach people unless they associate them with food, so please don’t feed them.
The bobcat is about twice the size of a domestic cat and has long legs, large paws, and a short bobbed, tail. The bobcat is one of two predatory big cats native to the Florida.

Hundreds of shark species pass through or call Florida waters home. Florida's diverse shark population includes species that range in size from only a few feet to more than 40 feet in total length. Most of these species feed on fishes or marine invertebrates. Some even feed on plankton, but none see humans as a food source. Experts believe that most shark bites are cases of mistaken identity, which explains why nearly all shark bites that occur in Florida waters are of a bite-and-release nature.
And though Florida has been labeled the shark bite capital of the world, shark-human interactions are exceedingly rare. In Florida, sharks typically move inshore and north in the spring and summer, and offshore and south in fall and winter months. This pattern explains why shark activity is at its peak in Florida waters during April through October, which coincidentally, is also the time period that humans are more likely to be in the water. But the fact remains that humans are 30 times more likely to be struck by lightning in Florida than to be bitten by a shark.
Featured Wildlife Articles
Take a gander at our handy bird guide for to learn about feathered wildlife friends on the Treasure Coast.